Friday, June 18, 2010

The Little Things That Make Life So Big.

The Little things in Life? The little moments? They aren't little.

If we sat down to think about the precious little things in life_those that make our lives more vibrant, connected and inspired_we would find genuine, heartfelt moments that shape out lives and make us who we are, Little things like a job well done, someone being there for you, and honest compliment, taking time to play, and being a good person. The little things really are the cornerstone of a full life.

We can't take the little things for granted. They have built companies, friendships, and just about everything of value. No act of generosity, kindness or service is ever wasted, no matter how small. Everything matters. Everything we do helps or hurts, adds up or takes away. we need to count on each other for the little things that make life so big. In the end, it is not the days or the years that we remember, but the moments.

That was from a quote book I just purchased a few weeks ago called the little things. I am not one to want or collect quote books, but I really liked what this one says. I'm just grateful for all my little moments and the things people do for me.